Hello my little lovelies, keeping well I hope. For a bank holiday treat I thought it would be nice to share some pretty photos of our trip to the Cambridgeshire Garden Show that was held at our local animal rescue shelter. The weather was gorgeous so the turnout was really good and there were lots beautiful flowers and things to make your garden fabulous.
No idea what plant this is, but the flowers were just like those brush bottle washers you get, amazing!
Would you look at the size of those gorgeous white blooms aren't they just lush!
Would you look at the size of those gorgeous white blooms aren't they just lush!
How about this cute wooden garden house. Could just see myself sitting in there with my sewing and glass of chilled wine couldn't you.
Or how about chilling your wine in the garden table. Not sure that would be too good with my cats one of them would be bound to end up in it, or even me, LOL.
Now I know what to do with all me old wellies!
What it's all about, the animals. Towards the end there was this little tent with these amazing birds of prey in. I couldn't take my eyes off little snowy there in the background, so cute. They were all extremely well behaved and friendly. The big fella at the front stretched his wings out which did make me jump as they are surprisingly on the large size! And would you look at those claws!
These two daft billie goats were intently watching....... nothing ;O)
Can you see it, all that loveliness over there, I really wasn't expecting this at a garden show. My sister was laughing and telling everyone "that we've lost her now, look at her run", she think she's so funny! So what if I was running.
Oh my I think I've gone to shabby chic heaven!
See those seat cushions at the front, 6 for £35. The stuff was unbelieveably cheap, lined laundry baskets were only a fiver and 5 metres of bunting was a tenner!
Look at all that gorgeous cream wire shabbiness, I had to keep a check on myself as others were starting to look strangely at me as I quite loudly oohed and aaahed over everything.
I unashamedly spent rather a large amount of time in this section, you see I needed new oven gloves after I managed to cook mine on my gas hob the other week, don't ask! But what should I go for, separates or joined, florals or spots. So many choices and not enough money for them all, darn!! So here is what I ended up with. Do you likey
Now for the good bit, tea towels and cupcakes £4.50
2 oven gloves £5.00.
Smile on my face as I left there, priceless!
I shall look at garden shows in a whole new light now :o) x